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AppDataHandler - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata
Implement this interface to handle export/import for app data.
AppDataObject - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata
Represents an app's object.
AppDataObjectEnumerator - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata
The implementation of this interface is responsible for getting app's object types and objects.
AppDataObjectType - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata
Represents an app's object type.
AppMappingContext - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration
Interface that allows SPI implementations to record and lookup source to target id mappings of app configuration objects during import.


collectAgileBoard(String, Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects an Agile Board reference.
collectEventType(String, EventType) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a EventType reference.
collectField(String, Field) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Field reference.
collectFieldContext(String, FieldConfigScheme) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a FieldConfigScheme reference.
collectFieldLayoutScheme(String, FieldLayoutScheme) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a FieldLayoutScheme reference.
collectFieldOption(String, Option) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects an Option reference.
collectFieldScreenScheme(String, FieldScreenScheme) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a FieldScreenScheme reference.
collectGroup(String, Group) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Group reference.
collectIssueLinkType(String, IssueLinkType) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects an IssueLinkType reference.
collectIssueType(String, IssueType) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects an IssueType reference.
collectIssueTypeScheme(String, FieldConfigScheme) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a FieldConfigScheme reference.
collectIssueTypeScreenScheme(String, IssueTypeScreenScheme) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a IssueTypeScreenScheme reference.
collectJiraWorkflow(String, JiraWorkflow) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a JiraWorkflow reference.
collectPriority(String, Priority) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Priority reference.
collectProject(String, Project) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Project reference.
collectProjectComponent(String, ProjectComponent) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a ProjectComponent reference.
collectProjectRole(String, ProjectRole) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a ProjectRole reference.
collectProjectVersion(String, Version) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Version reference.
collectQuery(String, Query) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Query reference.
collectRequestType(String, Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Request Type reference.
collectResolution(String, Resolution) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Resolution reference.
collectSearchRequest(String, SearchRequest) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a SearchRequest reference.
collectSecurityLevel(String, IssueSecurityLevel) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a IssueSecurityLevel reference.
collectSprint(String, Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Sprint reference.
collectStatus(String, Status) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Status reference.
collectUser(String, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects an ApplicationUser reference.
collectWorkflowScheme(String, Scheme) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceCollector
Collects a Scheme reference.
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.field - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.field
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.gadget - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.gadget - package
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.project - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.project
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.workflow - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.workflow
com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue - package com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue
ConfigurationManagerSpiHandler - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
This annotation can be used to specify that the annotated type is a Configuration Manager SPI handler implementation.
ConfigurationReferenceCollector - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration
Interface which can be invoked on export - collects references to JIRA configuration elements by a given key.
ConfigurationReferenceLookup - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration
Interface which an be invoked on import - looks up an object by its key.
CustomFieldConfigurationHandler - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.field
Implement this interface to handle export/import for custom configuration data used by a CustomField.
CustomFieldDataHandler<T> - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue
Interface for migrating custom field values.


DashboardGadgetHandler - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.gadget
Implement this interface to handle export/import of user preferences in a dashboard gadget or item.
DashboardGadgets - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
Container annotation for the HandlesDashboardGadget annotation.
DashboardItems - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
Container annotation for the HandlesDashboardItem annotation.
deleteConfiguration(FieldConfigScheme) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.field.CustomFieldConfigurationHandler
Invoked when configuration needs to be deleted.
deleteConfiguration() - Method in interface
Invoked when configuration needs to be deleted.
deleteConfiguration(Project) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.project.ProjectConfigurationHandler
Invoked when configuration needs to be deleted.


exportConfiguration(FieldConfigScheme, ExportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.field.CustomFieldConfigurationHandler
Invoked when a configuration is being exported.
exportConfiguration(ExportContext) - Method in interface
Invoked when a configuration is being exported.
exportConfiguration(Project, ExportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.project.ProjectConfigurationHandler
Invoked when a configuration is being exported.
ExportContext - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration
Represents the context of the export operation.
exportData(Map<String, List<String>>, ExportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataHandler
Invoked when an app data is being exported.
exportIssueData(Project, Set<Long>, IssueExportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueDataHandler
Exports issue data for the provided project.


getAppMappingContext() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ImportContext
Returns AppMappingContext for current import operation (i.e.
getAppMappingContext() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueImportContext
Returns AppMappingContext for current import operation (i.e.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObject
getIcon() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObjectType
An icon for the object type.
getId() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObjectType
Returns the id of the specific object type.
getImportMode() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ImportContext
Returns the import mode for the current import operation.
getIssueDataLookup() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueImportContext
Returns IssueDataLookup for current import operation (i.e.
getName() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObject
getName() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObjectType
Returns the name of the specific object type.
getObjectId() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObject
Returns the id of the app's object.
getObjects(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObjectEnumerator
Invoked when an app objects are represented during export.
getObjectTypes() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObjectEnumerator
Invoked when an app types are represented during export.
getReferenceCollector() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ExportContext
Returns ConfigurationReferenceCollector for current export operation (i.e.
getReferenceCollector() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueExportContext
Returns ConfigurationReferenceCollector for current export operation (i.e.
getReferenceLookup() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ImportContext
Returns ConfigurationReferenceLookup for current import operation (i.e.
getReferenceLookup() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueImportContext
Returns ConfigurationReferenceLookup for current import operation (i.e.
getTypeId() - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataObject
Returns the id of the app's object type that this object is associated with.
GlobalConfigurationHandler - Interface in
Implement this interface to handle export/import for custom configuration which is global for the Jira instance.


HandlesCustomFieldType - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
This annotation must be used on classes which implement the CustomFieldConfigurationHandler or CustomFieldDataHandler interface in case the annotation-based approach for handler declaration is chosen.
HandlesDashboardGadget - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
This annotation can be used on classes which implement the DashboardGadgetHandler interface in case the annotation-based approach for handler declaration is chosen.
HandlesDashboardItem - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
This annotation can be used on classes which implement the DashboardGadgetHandler interface in case the annotation-based approach for handler declaration is chosen.
HandlesWorkflowParticipant - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
This annotation can be used on classes which implement the WorkflowParticipantHandler interface in case the annotation-based approach for handler declaration is chosen.


importConfiguration(String, FieldConfigScheme, ImportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.field.CustomFieldConfigurationHandler
Invoked when a configuration is being imported.
importConfiguration(String, ImportContext) - Method in interface
Invoked when a configuration is being imported.
importConfiguration(String, Project, ImportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.project.ProjectConfigurationHandler
Invoked when a configuration is being imported.
ImportContext - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration
Represents the context of the import operation.
importData(String, ImportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.appdata.AppDataHandler
Invoked when an app data is being imported.
importIssueData(String, Project, IssueImportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueDataHandler
Imports issue data for the provided project.
ImportMode - Enum in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration
Enum which represents the mode for the import operation.
IssueDataHandler - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue
Interface for migrating issue data.
IssueDataLookup - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue
Interface which can be used to lookup the new identifiers of different issue objects on import.
IssueExportContext - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue
Represents the context of the issue export operation.
IssueImportContext - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue
Represents the context of the import operation.


lookupAgileBoard(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces an Agile Board id which corresponds to id of the agile board stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupAttachmentId(Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueDataLookup
Lookup the id of an attachment on the target system which corresponds to the provided source id.
lookupCommentId(Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueDataLookup
Lookup the id of a comment on the target system which corresponds to the provided source id.
lookupEventType(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA EventType by the given key.
lookupField(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA Field by the given key.
lookupFieldContext(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA FieldConfigScheme which corresponds to the FieldConfigScheme stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupFieldLayoutScheme(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA FieldLayoutScheme which corresponds to the FieldLayoutScheme stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupFieldOption(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA Option by the given key.
lookupFieldScreenScheme(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA FieldScreenScheme which corresponds to the FieldScreenScheme stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupGroup(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA Group by the given key.
lookupIssueId(Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueDataLookup
Lookup the id of an issue on the target system which corresponds to the provided source id.
lookupIssueLinkType(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA IssueLinkType by the given key.
lookupIssueType(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA IssueType by the given key.
lookupIssueTypeScheme(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA FieldConfigScheme which corresponds to the FieldConfigScheme stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupIssueTypeScreenScheme(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA IssueTypeScreenScheme which corresponds to the IssueTypeScreenScheme stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupJiraWorkflow(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA JiraWorkflow which corresponds to the JiraWorkflow stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupMapping(String, String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.AppMappingContext
Returns an Optional of the target id of an app specific object if such mapping was previously recorded or an empty Optional otherwise.
lookupMapping(String, Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.AppMappingContext
Returns an Optional of the target id of an app specific object if such mapping was previously recorded or an empty Optional otherwise.
lookupPriority(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA Priority by the given key.
lookupProject(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA Project which corresponds to the Project stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupProjectComponent(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA ProjectComponent which corresponds to the ProjectComponent stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupProjectRole(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA ProjectRole which corresponds to the ProjectRole stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupProjectVersion(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA Version which corresponds to the Version stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupQuery(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA Query which corresponds to the Query stored by the given key on export.
lookupRequestType(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a Request Type id which corresponds to id of the request type stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupResolution(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA Resolution by the given key.
lookupSearchRequest(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA SearchRequest by the given key.
lookupSecurityLevel(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA IssueSecurityLevel which corresponds to the IssueSecurityLevel stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupSprint(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a Sprint id which corresponds to id of the sprint stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupStatus(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA Status by the given key.
lookupUser(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Looks up a JIRA ApplicationUser by the given key.
lookupWorkflowScheme(String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ConfigurationReferenceLookup
Produces a JIRA Scheme which corresponds to the Scheme stored by the given key on export Optional.empty() is returned in case JIRA API lookup fails or if given key was not used in ConfigurationReferenceCollector
lookupWorklogId(Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.IssueDataLookup
Lookup the id of a worklog on the target system which corresponds to the provided source id.


ProjectConfigurationHandler - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.project
Implement this interface to handle export/import for custom configuration related to a Project.
PublicApi - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations
The annotated element is part of the API contract with other apps.
PublicSpi - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations
The annotated element is part of a product's SPI contract with apps.


recordMapping(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.AppMappingContext
Records a mapping between source and target id for objects of the given type.
recordMapping(String, Long, Long) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.AppMappingContext
Records a mapping between source and target id for objects of the given type.


transformArgumentsForExport(String, Map<String, String>, ExportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.workflow.WorkflowParticipantHandler
Invoked when a configuration is being exported.
transformArgumentsForImport(String, Map<String, String>, ImportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.workflow.WorkflowParticipantHandler
Invoked when a configuration is being imported.
transformChangeLogValueForExport(CustomField, Issue, String, String, IssueExportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.CustomFieldDataHandler
Transforms an issue history value for the given custom field to a serialized String.
transformIssueValueForExport(CustomField, Issue, T, IssueExportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.CustomFieldDataHandler
Transforms an issue value for the given custom field to a serialized String.
transformIssueValueForImport(CustomField, Issue, String, IssueImportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.issue.CustomFieldDataHandler
Transform a previously serialized value for import.
transformUserPreferencesForExport(String, Map<String, String>, ExportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.gadget.DashboardGadgetHandler
Invoked when a configuration is being exported.
transformUserPreferencesForImport(String, Map<String, String>, ImportContext) - Method in interface com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.gadget.DashboardGadgetHandler
Invoked when a configuration is being imported.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ImportMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.ImportMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WorkflowParticipantHandler - Interface in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.configuration.workflow
Implement this interface to handle export/import for custom configuration data referenced in the arguments of a workflow transition participant (condition, validator or post-function).
WorkflowParticipants - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
Container annotation for the HandlesWorkflowParticipant annotation.


ОbjectsEnumeratedBy - Annotation Type in com.botronsoft.cmj.spi.annotations.handlers
This annotation can be used on classes which implement the AppDataHandler interface in case the annotation-based approach for handler declaration is chosen.
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